Image Transcoder
Image Transcoder v2.0

Welcome to the new version of the Image Transcoder.
The arrival of a new team at Gamebuino deserved a makeover!

- New look, new settings, much lighter source code.
- v2.0 does not rely on any library like jQuery or Jimp.
- Syntax highlighting of code for better readability.

How to use

1. Upload your spritesheet or your tileset.
2. Upload a palette if you plan to use an indexed color
   display mode. The official Gamebuino palette is set
   by default.
3. Set the frame width (or tile width).
4. Set the frame height (or tile height).
5. Set the frame loop if you want the sprite animation
   to play spontaneously inside the loop().
6. Set the transparent color in RGB888 format.
7. Choose between RGB565 and INDEXED according to the
   display mode you plan to use.
8. Check METADATA if you plan to use gb.display.
   Uncheck this option if you plan to use gb.tft or another
   platform than the Gamebuino META.
9. Check BYTE SWAP if you plan to use gb.tft or to reverse
   the endianness of binary integers for other platforms.

If a setting is wrong, the input field turns orange.
Once everything is OK, press the Transcode button.
You can change your settings and repeat code generation.
Please drop me a on this page if you like this tool. Don't forget to give me your feedback on the forum, in English or in French, as you prefer!
Don't miss the complete tutorial on how to master the display of sprites and tilesets:  Handling images on the Gamebuino META